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We strive to serve all our clients needs. KBT Global is an industrial component sourcing company aimed at supplying high quality industrial components into heavy industry sector of the sub-Saharan Africa and we are focused on delivering unrivalled service at competitive pricing. 

If we don't have what you are looking for, we will find it. We are able to deliver what you need.

We pride ourselves on offering trusted brands, expert knowledge, excellent customer service and rapid delivery anywhere in the world.


KBT Global supplies the complete industrial solution ranging from drives and motors, gearboxes, couplings, chains, sprockets, belts, pulleys, bearings, seals, lubricants and tools.

Our Industries

Timing Belt

Our Services

KBT Global is proud to only support top-tier brands from around the globe. Our suppliers are among the best manufacturers in the world, and their service, warranties, and quality are replicated through our service and commitment to our clients.

Import & Exporting

Trusted Brands

Industrial component sourcing company

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